How to calculate the cost of your design if you are freelance?

Resultado de imagen para costos como freelancer

More than a tabulator is to understand what to take into account when calculating our time of service or project ... the most important thing is to take into account direct and indirect personal expenses and that we do not handle prices outside the market that harm us or on the contrary, to be below our needs ...

We must understand that our profits, our needs and everything must be added throughout the period you calculate ...

I think you can do a one year projection of how you want to see yourself, and how much you would like to have useful that year, adding to it all you have to cover in one year, like your basic expenses, health expenses, people who You are in charge, your means of transport and communication, your physical and psychological entertainment and maintenance and your expenses in feeding your knowledge, calculating how much ROI or Return of Investment costs you (replacing your equipment that you use to accomplish your work and dividing it into the useful time and not be obsolete either by your equipment and also by your knowledge, what it costs you to get up to date with education), you have to be updated; After you have your "THICK" expenses that you have for a year, you divide it by 12, which would be the months of the year and it took a month of those and that calculation I add my monthly fixed expenses and then take it to my cost for hour; so there are many things you must take into account when calculating ...

This is my example of how I did it taking it to Us $:


In this guide we will take into account the following:

  1 Add one month's expenses in USD ($)

  2 Multiply by three (x3) (UTILITY and ROI)

  3 Extending the maximum

  4 Removing the minimum

  5 Taking the average

        6 Calculate a Time Tab

  7 Considerations

  8 Web Developers

  9 Conclusion

1.- Add the expenses of one month in USD ($)
Example, (March, 2018).

Monthly food expenses: (Ex. $ 300.00)

Housing or rental expenses where I work: (Example: $ 10.00)

Telecommunications expenses: (Ex. $ 15.00)

Personnel expenses Subcontract: (Ex. Mine, the one of the cleaning girl and secretary (3 basic salaries 30.00 $))

End-of-year profit and benefit expenses: (eg $ 12,000.00 / 12 months = $ 1000.00 monthly.)

Public service expenses: (eg $ 10.00)

Condominium expenses, parking, among others: (Ex 5,00 $)

Transportation expenses: (Ex. $ 15.00)

Expenses for health and other incidentals: (Ex. $ 28.00)

Cleaning and personal hygiene expenses: (Ex 10,00 $)

Small Girl Expenses and external contingencies: (Ex. $ 27.00) (cumulative if not spent)

Total = $ 1,450.00 per month.

2.- Multiply by three (* 3)

Used as:

 Capital utility.

Amortization and improvement of work tools or ROI.

Courses, professional improvement and intellect.

Holiday Immobility, Holidays, Days of Rest ...

Non-Productive Day Insurance while you start and attend proposals

(Take into account that you must save at least one third of this sum and keep it in reserve.)

Total = $ 4,350.00

Also, divide that into working days by taking days off per week = $ 4,350.00 / 20 days = $ 217.50 per day.

Between hours of PRODUCTIVE work per day (eg 6 hours calculated with control software production hours Qbserve

= $ 36.25 per hour of work.

3.- Extending the maximum
It would carry a plus of up to 115% depending on:

The sum of the scope of the project (+ 33% = $ 48.21)

Customer size (+ 33% = $ 64.12)

The necessary priority of delivery (+ 34% = $ 85.92)

My Experience in the Project (+ 15% = $ 98.81)

With this we will get a maximum cost (rounded) per hour of $ 100

4.- Extracting the minimum
Minimum monthly expenses + 50% Additional for amortization of work tools.

Monthly = $ 1,450.00 per month + 50% = $ 2,175 / 20 days = $ 108.75 per day / 6 hours of work per day.

Total = $ 18.12 per hour. (rounded to $ 20)

5.- Taking the average
knowing that:

Maximum = $ 100.00 per hour.

Minimum = $ 18.12 per hour.

Average = Minimum + Maximum / 2.

Total = $ 59.06 (ROUNDED TO $ 60) approximate.

6.- Calculate a Time Tab
If you have experience in the projects to be carried out you can easily calculate how much time it can take you to do it and if you do not have experience you may have to consider having a more precise control, I recommend a software that takes more detailed time control that "Qbserve" is called TYME here your web:

As soon as I have my little tabulator, I did some control of a few activities, but here it is easier for you to take your own control ...

Basic examples

How long can you carry out basic designs ?:

Logo (from 4 to 8 hours).

Poster with the elements already made (4 hours).

Flyer, triptych or flyer (from 6 to 8 hours).

Reconstruction of a logo (from 4 to 6 hours)

Simple illustration (from 12 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Complex illustration (from 24 to 36 hours). Therefore, this serves as a basis for calculating the Freelance design service prices. (Hours of work calculated in average software: 6 hours with QBserve.) This is the screen that manages the real time of daily work as well as Tyme although the latter is more detailed.7.- ConsiderationsWe must bear in mind that we are not 100% productive in only the activity that we believe we do. Because it is answering calls, creating budgets, calculations, talking, thinking, lunch time, coffee, refreshments, the time it takes us to promote ourselves and review social networks. Those things that are not directly related to the work itself. , it is good to have a project or time control software such as the Qbserve or the Tyme. For example, the calculation that should take me 8 to 10 hours I spend on the PC working, 5 are really productive and the rest are distractions or Very important the slack that you must have and take into account that there are dates that you do not work, for example, Holidays, Days of Rest for Illness or Major Obligation, so Cheer up! and we are going to put our batteries to the hour to calculate our costs per hour! By Raul Bedoya, (February, 2018). Corrections by Jender Zavala, (March, 2018). @Jenderz


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